Welcome to SWATCA 2025 on SCHED!

Here you will find the list of all the great sessions, speaker information, exhibitors and more! Check back here often for information on draws, prize winners, session updates and more!!

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Venue: Chinook High School clear filter
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Thursday, February 20

12:00pm MST

HPEC - Finnish Baseball (Pesäpallo) and other group games for PE
Thursday February 20, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Join us for an exciting learning session on Finnish baseball (Pesäpallo), where you'll discover the unique rules and strategies that set it apart from traditional baseball. In addition to this, we will introduce a variety of large group games that you can take to your class and use next week. Attendees of this session please be prepared to engage in moderate activity to experience the games and learn while playing.
Gym - Chinook High School

Omar Kadir

Teacher, Winston Churchill High School
Thursday February 20, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Chinook High School

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