Here you will find the list of all the great sessions, speaker information, exhibitors and more! Check back here often for information on draws, prize winners, session updates and more!!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please ensure that you are completing session evaluations - this helps our SWATCA planning team immensely in preparing for future events! You can evaluate all sessions in the session itself at the bottom of the SCHED. Thank you!
Are you new to your role as an administrator or interested in pursuing leadership opportunities in the near future? Do you often wonder where the “how to manual” on leadership for optimal student learning is? Are you looking for an opportunity to build a network of humans that can support you? In this session, you won’t get a “how to manual”, but you will be given an interactive space to connect, share thoughts, work through questions/problems, and gather ideas with other new leaders to best support your students’ learning.
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST