Here you will find the list of all the great sessions, speaker information, exhibitors and more! Check back here often for information on draws, prize winners, session updates and more!!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please ensure that you are completing session evaluations - this helps our SWATCA planning team immensely in preparing for future events! You can evaluate all sessions in the session itself at the bottom of the SCHED. Thank you!
“You don’t bait the hook with what the fisherman likes; you bait the hook with what the fish likes." A Lethbridge, AB high school English teacher shares her experience creating, proposing, and delivering a Grade 10 ELA class with a sports-themed-texts focus in attempt to encourage students who don't read books because they “do sports” to “do books” that can help them “make connections, anticipate possibilities, reflect upon and evaluate ideas, and determine courses of action,” as required in the Program of Study (2003, p. 2).