Here you will find the list of all the great sessions, speaker information, exhibitors and more! Check back here often for information on draws, prize winners, session updates and more!!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please ensure that you are completing session evaluations - this helps our SWATCA planning team immensely in preparing for future events! You can evaluate all sessions in the session itself at the bottom of the SCHED. Thank you!
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Membership Offer: February 6-March 14, ATA members can join AMA to get a $50 gift card for a partner brand of their choice, if they join AMA Plus or Premier before March 14th. Plus, they’ll save 50% off when adding an associate member (can add up to 3 associate members) .Memberships must be purchased through the ATA intranet site. Only applicable to new AMA members. Already an AMA member? Until March 14th, add an associate to your membership for 50% off.
Cruise Contest: February 6-April 29, 2025; Active ATA members can enter to win a 7-day cruise to the Mexican Riveria or Caribbean for two (including roundtrip flights and port taxes). More information and the contest entry form available under AMA in the offers section of the ATA intranet site.