Here you will find the list of all the great sessions, speaker information, exhibitors and more! Check back here often for information on draws, prize winners, session updates and more!!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please ensure that you are completing session evaluations - this helps our SWATCA planning team immensely in preparing for future events! You can evaluate all sessions in the session itself at the bottom of the SCHED. Thank you!
Prize Winners Goosechase: Kelsey Schwark and Bryce Wirzba Katie Walker
TheCanadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE), a non-profit, non-partisan organization, is one of three organizations selected to receive 4 years ofgrants (Grades 7-12) fromtheGovernmentofAlbertatohelpimprovefinancialeducation, and the level of financialliteracy, for Alberta students. Many of the resources in the CFEE financial literacy collection have overlap with the K-12 Alberta Programs of Study, allowing the teacher to pick and choose from the resource collection either specific topics, modules, videos, animations or even an entire resource based on the course and the needs of the learners. There are resource correlations, production of new resources and professional development opportunities specific to Alberta to support developments in financial education and financial literacy that is ongoing and will continue to grow. For further information about CFEE go to www.cfee.organd for “Building Futures in Alberta” go to